
The Graph Releases Phased-plans for Upgrade to Decentralised Data Era

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Author: Adeola @ Contributor of PermaDAO

Reviewer: Henry @ Contributor of PermaDAO

The Graph Protocol has released a three-phased plan it says will aid advancement towards decentralised data and enable smooth upgrade to The Graph Network for all supported chains including Arweave and 42 others.

Some of the benefits of upgrading to The Graph Network include low query costs; unbeatable uptime; fast syncing speeds; transparent subgraph usage stats; robust query success support system.

The phases which The Graph calls sunrise of decentralised data begins from Sunray to Sunbeam and Sunrise. Key developers will be working to expand The Graph Network during these phases.

“The Graph Network is constantly evolving, and the sunrise marks only the beginning of a bright future,” it stated.

In the Sunray phase, three enhancements will be released. The release of the upgrade indexer makes the chains on the hosted service to be available on The Graph Network. Some of the chains include Arweave, Ethereum, Optimism and Polygon. Subgraph developers will be able to upgrade to hosted services on all chains and create new ones.

The Network also assured developers of an improved subgraph upgrade experience. It said a free query plan will help small and medium scale users to test the services of The Graph without subscribing to a paid service.

Sunbeam will involve an upgrade period of 60 days. The Graph said the upgrade window will correspond to the timeframe during which developers will upgrade their subgraphs to The Network. It also said users could get support via Discord and email during the transition period.

Sunrise phase will see hosted service endpoints be ended and it will mark the beginning of a new purpose for the hosted service in support of the network as the upgrade Indexer.

Many developers have contributed to The Graph’s journey to ending hosted service and adopting decentralised data. The Network said it would be recognising developers who created subgraphs with non-fungible token rewards.

“Web3 is entering a new age of open data with The Graph Network. Today, the decentralized network delivers performance, redundancy and fast syncing speeds rivaling hosted alternatives,” it stated.

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Tagged with In The Graph

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