
PermaDAO Weekly #72|PermaDAO Offers N "Mining" Modes and Adopts BP Token New Proposals|6.15-6.21

Author: Marshal Orange

Translator: Marshal Orange

Reviewer: Xiaosong HU

Source: Content Guild - Translation

Dear PermaDAO Members:

Midsummer is in full bloom: PermaDAO is attracting more and more contributors through its unique guild governance and incentives. PermaDAO adopts BP Token to incentivize Promotion Guild contributors. The activities organized by PermaDAO cover various aspects such as the Arweave & AO ecosystem, AO token model interpretation, weekly report writing guidance, and content guild tips. There are also several excellent articles waiting for you to read, quickly start your reading journey!

Workload Overview

Last week, PermaDAO had a total of 124 active contributors, and the workload data completed by each guild is as follows:

Last Week's Incentive Distribution Ranking for Each Guild and Group:

Last week, PermaDAO distributed a total of 163.55 $AR to its hard-working partners, totaling 4272.78 USD, and distributing 7289 BP to incentivize Promotion Guild contributors.

Dear contributors, please continue to wield your passion and talent, so that every moment here is picturesque and full of unlimited possibilities and hopes. May you meet your better selves and write your wonderful chapters every day here!

Information Express

1.PermaDAO Promotion Guild Proposal 4.0 announced, adopting BP Token to incentivize contributors!

After three meetings, Permaswap has implemented a new incentive program since last week, the original points will be settled in the form of BP Token, and the checking method will remain unchanged, you can exchange BP Token for AR or other assets at Permaswap at any time, but you need to pay attention to the fluctuation of the value.

Proposal link: Promotion Guild Proposal 4.0

2. AOCRED Conversion Reminder ⏰

According to the official announcement of AO, the deadline for AOCRED conversion to AO is June 27th, every 1000 AOCRED can be converted to 1 AO, the AOCRED that is not converted after the expiration date will be invalidated and zeroed out, and you can convert it to other assets in permaswap. network.

Conversion link:

Last Week's Activity Recap

1.PermaDAO x BuidlerDAO x BeWater - Arweave AO Token Model Explanation

PermaDAO & BuidlerDAO & BeWater co-sponsored X Space, inviting SevenX investors, AO Initiator, and senior AO builder to give an in-depth analysis of the AO token economic model.

Activity recap link:

Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

2. Arweave Eco Weekly Sharing #52

In this activity, you can not only learn about the progress of AO but also learn the precautions of writing PermaDAO weekly report, as well as the depth of OutProg's wonderful article - Intelligent Finance: From AgentFi to FusionFi, interested in the treasure can click on the review! link to learn more about it.

Activity recap link:

Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

3.PermaDAO Weekly Report Writing Guidance Session

PermaDAO advocates "Mining" for work, and writing the weekly report is a great way to mine because while you're mining, you're also getting a quick and comprehensive look at PermaDAO, to help you explore PermaDAO.

The content includes weekly report division of labor, writing requirements, types of weekly reports and corresponding incentives, reviewer incentives, weekly report leader incentives, elimination mechanism, how to find various data in the weekly report, and other aspects.

Join us in writing weekly reports and start your "Mining" journey!

Activity recap link:

Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

4. How to play PermaDAO Content Guild

PermaDAO Content Guild has 4 groups: News Group, Translation Group, Creative Group, and Research Group.

The last share delved into the tips for the News Group and the Research Group: 如何玩转内容公会(上)

If you are curious about the other two groups, please review the exciting activities in this issue, which include: what the Translation Group and the Creative Group are, how to start translation/creative assignments, and DAO contributor's experience sharing ...... reveals the secrets of the Translation Group and the Creative Group for you.

Activity recap link:

Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

5.PermaDAO Bug Catchers Tips Sharing

How do you earn your first incentive at PermaDAO? You can start by catching bugs.

What is bug catching? How much incentive can I get? How to catch bugs? What are the extra benefits of catching bugs? There will also be live bug-catching instructions and bug catchingbug-catching secrets, so open the link to find out.

Activity recap link:

Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

Weekly Article Sharing

1. AO Token Economics Model Released, Reveals How to Maximize Efficiency in Acquiring AO Tokens

Arweave officially released the economics of AO tokens at 11:00 pm Beijing time on June 13, PermaDAO researcher Marshal Orange analyzed how to obtain AO tokens from the perspective of maximizing efficiency in the article: the acquisition of AO depends on the size of the amount of funds and the type of token assets held, the article provides a strategy to seek to maximize the efficiency of the acquisition of AO tokens under the limited amount of funds. The strategy provided in this paper is to maximize the capital efficiency of AO tokens with limited capital.

For more details, please see the original article:

AO 代币经济学模型发布,揭秘如何效率最大化获取 AO 代币?

2. Blockchain’s First Principle Thinking: The Tao of Sui and Arweave AO

The first principle of blockchain is a decentralized bookkeeping method, and "block" and "chain" are not necessary. Sui and Arweave AO are both designed based on the first principle of blockchain, and this paper discusses the principles of data structure and consensus of non-traditional blockchain from the first principle of blockchain. This article uses Sui and AO as examples to discuss the principles of non-traditional blockchain data structure and consensus from the first nature principle of blockchain, welcome to read this wonderful research paper:

Blockchain’s First principle thinking: The Tao of Sui and Arweave AO

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