
PermaDAO $BP Tokenomics Whitepaper

Branding&Promotion Guild launched $BP, and PermaDAO takes the first step towards tokenized collaboration

Token may be a greater invention than blockchain technology itself.

Author: Branding&Promotion Guild

Translator: Lufei Qin

Reviewer: Xiaosong HU

Source: Content Guild Translation


The Branding&Promotion Guild is one of the five guilds of PermaDAO. The core goal of the Branding&Promotion Guild is to expand the community size and influence of PermaDAO. Its specific functions include executing content promotion, managing media accounts, managing cooperation channels, etc. To better achieve our goals, we plan to launch a new token called $BP (Branding&Promotion). $BP will be an important experiment for PermaDAO. For the first time, we will try to use Tokenomics in DAO to coordinate internal and external cooperation.


Business Overview of the Branding&Promotion Guild

The business of the Branding&Promotion Guild revolves around content promotion and media resources:

Media management: responsible for the management and operation of PermaDAO's media resources, including

  • Owned media: PermaDAO's various media accounts and communities, such as WeChat public accounts, Web3 media, official Twitter, WeChat groups, Discord groups, etc.;

  • External media: various non-owned media channels that PermaDAO can reach, such as various crypto communities;

  • Partner media: media, communities, or KOLs that have established a cooperative relationship with PermaDAO and can exchange promotion resources through a "one-for-one" method.

Content promotion: Responsible for publishing content to the above media channels. Content includes two categories, one is the content generated by PermaDAO itself, and the other is the content that the partner project hopes to publish through PermaDAO.

Content optimization: To achieve better publicity effects, appropriately optimize the content. For example, modify the title, optimize the illustrations, optimize the layout, write summaries, etc.

Data statistics: Statistics on the effects of content promotion, including statistics on reading volume, whether it is selected, and other indicators.

Media expansion: Expand PermaDAO's media resources, including promoting the growth of users/fans of PermaDAO's free media and community, expanding the reachable external media channels, and developing more media partners.

Business weaknesses

The various businesses of the Branding&Promotion Guild are well-regulated and run in an orderly manner. However, the growth of media resources has been weak. The main reason is that there is no good mechanism to coordinate PermaDAO's external cooperation, which makes it impossible for PermaDAO to truly establish a healthy and sustainable partnership with its partners in the exchange cooperation.

To describe the problem clearly, we can simplify the exchange cooperation into a process in which both parties output resources. There is a sequence relationship in this process, and the party that outputs resources first is often in a weak position.

We found that after PermaDAO contributors negotiate a swap with a third party, the following problems will be encountered in actual implementation:

  1. If PermaDAO outputs resources first, it will be difficult for PermaDAO contributors to push the partner to complete the resource output. The partner's cooperation is not high, and the contributors often choose to retreat, resulting in the partner not outputting resources on an equal basis.

  2. If the partner outputs resources first, it will also be difficult to push PermaDAO to output resources. Because PermaDAO contributors are more frequent, it is possible that the contributors who were initially responsible for the cooperation negotiations are no longer active, and other contributors do not understand the context. Even if there are enthusiastic contributors willing to promote the completion of the cooperation, a lot of communication work will be generated.

The existence of the above friction makes it difficult for PermaDAO's media cooperation to be carried out normally and continuously, which leads to the following situation: almost no cooperative media will output resources first, and PermaDAO's publicity resources are widely "given" by contributors, and the promotion of cooperative media to output resources on a peer-to-peer basis fails due to the inability to continue to follow up.

We have no intention of blaming some contributors and partners for their morals and sense of responsibility. Because the core of PermaDAO is to create a good mechanism to coordinate efficient collaboration between ordinary people rather than saints.

If you want to break through, there is a simple way, which is to hire full-time employees to connect all media cooperation, but this is not the DAO way!

We adopted a better way that can fully utilize the advantages of DAO organization - Tokenomics.

$BP Tokenomics

We created a token and named it after the abbreviation of Branding&Promotion, which is $BP. It is a tokenized representation of PermaDAO's promotional resources. Partners can use PermaDAO's promotional resources by consuming $BP, and PermaDAO will also use $BP to purchase partners' promotional resources. Specifically:

Partner media can take the initiative to receive promotional tasks in PermaDAO, and promote them in their own media channels, and send back the proof of promotion to obtain $BP;

Any third party can create promotional needs in PermaDAO by paying $BP, and the PermaDAO Branding&Promotion Guild will execute the promotion after verifying the payment proof.

If a third party needs to use PermaDAO's promotional resources, it can apply to become a partner media of PermaDAO and earn $BP by performing PermaDAO's promotional tasks, or it can directly purchase $BP from the secondary market; as a partner media, after obtaining $BP, it can choose to use it when needed, or it can choose to sell it in the secondary market.

What has $BP changed?

The previous model of replacement cooperation was as follows:

With BP Token, it seems that only a medium has been added:

However, in this case, third parties need to hold $BP first before they can use PermaDAO's promotional resources, and there is no credit or recovery. This solves the disadvantage of the party that outputs resources first in the cooperation. At the same time, $BP represents the promise made by PermaDAO as a whole, rather than the personal promise of a contributor, and this promise is certain and clearly described. This avoids the problem of one-on-one discussion and context synchronization in business negotiations and also avoids the uncertainty brought to partners by the flow of contributors. Partners can know what they get, and there will be no high redemption costs. Therefore, partners can output resources and earn $BP with confidence.

Additional Utility of $BP

We found that through such a simple change as $BP, the problem of PermaDAO in exchange cooperation was solved. But the role of $BP is not limited to this, it also has the following functions:

First, if PermaDAO's media work is done well, it means that the quality of PermaDAO's publicity resources will be higher. At this time, more third parties will be willing to use PermaDAO's publicity resources, thereby driving up the price of $BP. On the contrary, the price of $BP will fall. In other words, the price of $BP, to a certain extent, represents the quality of PermaDAO's publicity resources. The existence of $BP provides us with an objective standard for measuring the level of PermaDAO's media operations.

Second, PermaDAO calculates contributors by charging them for their work in USD and distributing AR to contributors every week at real-time prices. With $BP, we plan to start with the Product Promotion Guild and try to change this. The incentives for contributors of the Product Promotion Guild will be settled directly in the form of $BP. Since the price of $BP represents the value of publicity resources, this can unify the interests of contributors with the goals of the guild, so that contributors can act more from the collective interests of the PermaDAO community. Everyone will prosper together and suffer together.

Third, PermaDAO is used to promote ecological projects for free, but publicity resources are limited after all. With the release of AO, there will be more and more Arweave ecological projects, which will generate more publicity demands. PermaDAO may not be able to meet all of these publicity demands. At this time, the price of $BP becomes a regulatory mechanism. When PermaDAO's publicity resources are in short supply, on the one hand, the price of BP Token will naturally rise, and on the other hand, PermaDAO can also increase the price of publicity services through governance.

Specific operations

How to use BP to purchase PermaDAO publicity resources

When a third party needs promotion on PermaDAO, they can click “External Demand” on the homepage of the PermaDAO Brand & Promotion Guild to enter the demand creation page, fill in the copy, pictures, and links required for promotion, and select a promotion package. There are currently four major promotion packages:

After filling in the requirements, the demander needs to pay $BP according to the price in the table. After the payment is completed, the requirements are officially created successfully.

❉ If the content is related to Arweave/AO, it is calculated as original price*60%. If the content is not related to the Arweave/AO topic, it is calculated according to the original price.

How to earn $BP?

PermaDAO contributors can still earn incentives by completing tasks of the Brand & Promotion Guild as before. Incentives that were once denominated in USD and settled in AR will be settled directly in $BP. For the specific price list, please see the "Product Promotion Task Incentive Table" in the navigation bar of the Product Promotion Guild.

If you are a media operator, you can fill in the information on the "Cooperative Group Application" page to apply to have your media channel included in the cooperative group whitelist. A community included in the whitelist can earn 35 $BP by completing a promotion task (requires group administrators to @all). If multiple of your communities (can be WeChat groups, TG groups, or DC groups) are included in the whitelist, the incentives can be superimposed. After submitting your application, whether your community can be included in the whitelist will be reviewed by the rotating person in charge of the Brand & Promotion Guild. To facilitate the rotating person to verify the quality of the community, you need to invite the rotating person in charge to the application community.

How to buy and sell $BP?

$BP has been listed on everPay and listed in Permaswap trading pairs. You can visit permaswap.network to buy or sell $BP.

Summary and Outlook

There is a view in the crypto industry that tokens are a greater invention than blockchain technology itself. This may seem like an exaggerated statement, but the role that the token economy can play in optimizing the way people collaborate with each other is often underestimated.

One of the purposes of PermaDAO is to explore large-scale collaboration between strangers. BP Token is PermaDAO's first tokenization exploration. Maybe there are still some things we haven't considered carefully, and there may be potential unpredictable changes, but we choose to take this step. In the future, we will continue to adjust and optimize the mechanism to make $BP Tokenomics more compatible with the business.

Our positioning for this attempt is still experimental. We threw a seed, full of curiosity, and look forward to the wonderful chemical reaction that will happen next.

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