By Adeola
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Lens Protocol Leverages On Arweave And Bundlr To Solve Decentralised Social Media Challenge With Momoka

Decentralised social media infrastructure on Thursday got a boost with its biggest player Lens Protocol partnering with the Arweave ecosystem to solve the problem of scalability that prevented it from operating on the level of efficiency and ease of use comparable to Web2 social mediums such as Twitter.

Lens Protocol announced the Beta release of Momoka, which it says increases capacity and reduces costs while maintaining user sovereignty. Momoka does this by processing some Polygon transactions off-chain by sending them to data availability layers which removes the limitations of blockspace and blocktime configurations resulting in optimised cost and effective social media networking.

Scalability has been a challenge that we’ve been trying to solve for the past years and coming to this point has been quite exciting, said Stani Kulechov, founder of Lens Protocol and AAVE at a Twitter space introducing Momoka.

Arweave plays a major role in solving this challenge by serving as a data availability location where the content data is stored. Arweave made a good option because of Bundlr. Bundlr Network is acclaimed for being the protocol that scaled Arweave. It bundles transactions and pushes them to Arweave, making data upload faster and cheaper.

Bundlr is indeed fast. In January, it demonstrated its capacity to process 50,000 individual transactions per second. Bundlr could give a major push to Lens Protocol’s goal of being an alternative to the social media service Web2 companies offer.

...and there is no limit to the scalability to come, Sam Williams, founder of Arweave wrote about Bundlr.

Williams, who was a speaker at Lens's Twitter space introducing Momoka, said the solution that has now become somewhat a magic bullet for scaling decentralised social media, took about half a decade to build. He also said that unlike other blockchains, there won’t be a time where there is an increase in fees because there is congestion.

...If anything interesting, the bundlers in the Arweave ecosystem compete against each other to bring price down, not to bring the price up, Williams said.

Nader Dabit, director of developers relations at AAVE and Lens Protocol, said the protocol leveraged on Bundlr and Arweave to process transactions off-chain, noting that the latter offers the same benefits of blockchain but does not have limitations that come with network-wide consensus for state validation of every single transaction.

Lens Protocol said data availability layers can be used to store Lens-native actions such as posts, comments, mirrors, likes, etc. There are different players in the Momoka network. One of the roles involves submitters who validate and construct the data availability metadata before presenting to Arweave through Bundlr. Verifiers monitor data availability publications from submitters and confirm their validity. Timestamps offered by Bundlr serves as a source of truth for determining the appropriate block number to use.

To be competitive with Web2, decentralised social platforms must scale. With the ability to support mass consumer adoption, we'll see continued Web3 innovation — new, exciting and compelling features and business models that will spur Web3 adoption, Kulechov said.


Adeola is a journalist at Arweave News. As a former freelance journalist, his works were published by Newlines Magazine, The Continent and the Mail and Guardian. He has interest in the intersection of technology and human lives.

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