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Introducing Glass Pass - A New Era of Video Ownership

Glass protocol has always strived to empower creators with true ownership of their videos, ensuring that their creations stay with them no matter what, even if Glass were to go down entirely. Now, with the introduction of Glass Pass, the protocol is taking a significant leap forward in achieving this goal.

Let's take a closer look!

Glass Pass

In true digital ownership fashion, Glass Pass is a user's unique identity on Glass that is designed to make their videos theirs to keep, with all information stored on-chain on Ethereum. This remarkable innovation places creator identity at the core of the protocol, something that Glass strived to do with their revamp of the protocol, and serves as the foundation for all other elements that Glass will bring in the future, and not only (see Interoperability below).

As of a few days ago (March 20th), anyone who has created or collected any video on Glass, as well as anyone who has signed the Glass Manifesto, will have access to claim their own Glass Pass. This Pass will enable them to claim a unique .glass username, represented as an NFT. For instance, if you claim '', your new Glass profile would appear as '', with an NFT in your wallet to represent your identity.

Owning a Glass Pass will be crucial for creators when the new Creator Studio and Glass Protocol launch in the coming weeks. Only creators with a Glass Pass will have access to the platform, and all videos they create will be linked to their Glass Pass on-chain.

Genesis claimers, who are the initial allowlisted individuals, will receive a Special Edition BLAZE Glass Pass, which will grant them the ability to invite others to claim Glass Passes as well, using special links. Those invited by the Genesis holders will receive a different type of pass, the Curated BLACK Glass Pass.

The Glass Pass' art and metadata are all generated and stored on-chain, allowing them to be dynamic with changing background colours and other traits. Furthermore, in the future, Glass Pass holders will have governance and voting power over various aspects of the platform, such as curated feeds, video competitions, and film festivals.


The Glass Pass is designed to work in harmony with other decentralised identity networks like ENS (.eth) and Lens (.lens). ENS provides a user-friendly way to transact on the Ethereum network, while Lens empowers creators to own their social interactions. In a similar fashion, Glass Pass gives creators control and ownership over their video content.

Glass has plans in place to collaborate with .lens and .eth communities to integrate these identities into Glass profiles, displaying data from all three sources in one place. The idea is to enable individuals to have multiple on-chain identities that cater to different aspects of their online presence, depending on their activities, which they can carry with them across platforms.

If you have ever bought or sold a video NFT on Glass protocol, or if you signed the manifesto that we reported on last week, head to the Glass website here to claim your Glass Pass now!

In Glass
Tagged with In Glass Ethereum


Author and blockchain enthusiast.

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