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RedStone Unveils Three New Oracle Models for DeFi Applications

The world of decentralised finance (DeFi) is rapidly evolving, and RedStone Finance, a leading provider of oracle solutions for Web3 applications, is constantly innovating to cater to this ever-changing landscape. The hard-working team at RedStone has now announced the introduction of three new Oracle models, each specifically designed to meet the diverse needs of different types of dApps. Built on a groundbreaking modular architecture, these models are set to revolutionise the way DeFi applications access and utilise data.

The Three New Oracle Models

RedStone Core: This on-demand model has been designed for optimal efficiency and user experience. It enables dApps to consume data from RedStone in the most cost-effective way, without the need to cover the gas cost of standard on-chain storage. By dynamically injecting data into users' transactions, RedStone Core offers maximum gas efficiency and a seamless user experience within a single transaction.

RedStone Classic: Focused on customisability and transaction cost optimisation, RedStone Classic is designed for well-established dApps that consume data in a traditional manner. This push-based model relies on decentralised and permissionless relayers to push data into on-chain storage. With RedStone Classic, dApp contracts and relayer operators have full control over data sources and update conditions, allowing them to specify heartbeat and deviation thresholds.

RedStoneX: Targeting the needs of advanced DeFi protocols, RedStoneX empowers dApps to create perpetuals, options, derivatives, and other new DeFi primitives with maximum efficiency and without front-running risks. By offsetting the delay between user interactions and oracle price updates, RedStoneX effectively eliminates the front-running risk, making it the ideal choice for advanced DeFi applications.

Avalanche (AVAX) Summit 2023

In their sometimes superhuman-like globe trotting efforts to attend all the latest Web3 events, RedStone Finance recently attended the Avalanche (AVAX) Summit 2023. During this event, the team connected with fellow projects and builders, exchanging insights, and sharing their innovative oracle models. The team has posted their takeaways from the summit here.

In web3 news
Tagged with In RedStone DeFi


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