
Permaswap Newsletter #11

Dear Community Members,

We’re excited to update you on recent activities happening in our community. We always value your participation and support, and we hope these updates make you proud of being a part of our community.

$ANS Liquidity Providing Activity

Our liquidity providing activity has been an ongoing initiative, and many of our community members have stepped up to participate. This activity encourages users to provide liquidity on Permaswap, which helps to maintain healthy trading volumes and improves user experience.

We want to remind everyone that the liquidity providing activity will end on July 8th, so there is still time to participate. We appreciate everyone who has contributed, and we will continue to provide opportunities for community members to earn rewards in the future. For more information:

The Swap Campaign Has Officially Ended

The swap/trading campaign with has officially ended! All rewards from the campaign have been handed out! During the campaign, we went over 3,800 worth of $AR! More tokens to be listed on Permaswap! What tokens would you like to see on Permaswap?

Arbitrage between CEX and Permaswap

Make profit from insane crypto movements! CEX to DEX arbitrage must be a good opportunity, which is a form of crypto arbitrage that involves taking advantage of price discrepancies between Centralised Exchanges such as Binance and Decentralised Exchanges such as Permaswap facilitated by some of our community members. It was an excellent effort, and we are grateful for their dedication and assistance.

The process can be automated using trading bots or performed manually by traders. However, arbitrage opportunities may be short-lived, and traders need to be fast in executing their trades to take advantage of them. To be performed manually by a trader, you need to pay attention to the token price on both platforms. For using trading bots, here are the simple steps to carry out the whole process.

  • Set up account

  • Collect Real-Time Data

  • Analysing Spread

  • Execute trades

For more information:

everPay NFT is more than just art; it is also the golden ticket to mining on Permaswap

Did you know that we had NFTs? What can you do with an NFT on permaswap? MINE on #Permaswap! Check out the detailed explanation about the collections and what they represent below.

Article Highlights:

  • everPay NFT is a series of NFT artwork launched in collaboration between everPay and various projects or artists. There are a total of 12 auctions, with 9 pieces of art during each auction, totaling 108 pieces of art.

  • Holding everPay NFT allows participation in early liquidity mining on Permaswap and becoming an early Router node for Permaswap. Additionally, it provides entitlements offered by the collaborative projects.

For more information:

$U Token Listings

We are thrilled to announce that the $U token has been listed on Permaswap. This inclusion expands the accessibility and range of our token to like-minded enthusiasts who share the same vision as ourselves.

$U token is a unique digital asset with a number of exciting features, which aim to make the permaweb more active. That is a simple unit of account on the Permaweb. It’s a fair launch token (created with no ‘pre-mine’, etc) evolved from the original $bAR contract.

We also want to thank our community members' recommendations that were helpful in getting the $U tokens into Permaswap.

For more information:

Product update

We have been working hard to improve our product line, and we made some updates as well as fixes that we want to share with all of you. Here are some of the updates:

  • Technical Support for $U Token Listings:

We have provided technical support and assistance for listing the $U token on Permaswap. If you experience any issues, please do not hesitate to reach out to our technical support team for assistance.

  • Fixed Fox Browser Display Bug:

We have successfully fixed the display bug that affected our fox browser interface. We appreciate our developers' swift action and our community members' patience in reporting it.


And now for the latest information from the Permaswap dashboard: Today (2023-06-29 UTC): • Current Total TVL (total value locked): 312,376$ • Current Pool Count: 8 • Current LP Count: 11

We want to conclude this update by thanking all of our community members who have been actively participating and supporting our project. Your dedication and feedback are invaluable support tools that help us grow our project to greater heights.

We look forward to providing more updates in the future.

Best Regards

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