
Irys Unveils Ecosystem Registry For Projects Using Its Innovation

Web3 is booming, and Arweave is becoming a popular infrastructure choice for developers. PermaDAO is a community where everyone can contribute to the Arweave ecosystem. It's a place to propose and tackle tasks related to Arweave, with the support and feedback of the entire community. Join PermaDAO and help shape Web3!

Author: Adeola @ Contributor of PermaDAO

Reviewer: Xiaosong HU @ Contributor of PermaDAO

Irys Unveils Ecosystem Registry For Projects Using Its Innovation

Irys, formerly called Bundlr is looking to add more projects to its ecosystem following the newly released directory about projects that use its technology, the project that gives strong provenance to data, making it permanent, unconstrained and precise has said.

The ecosystem directory includes 27 projects across different spaces including social media, identity, video, content, images, infrastructure and archiving. Many of the projects had been using Irys’s technology when it was Bundlr and was known to be the one that scaled Arweave which hitherto was taking several minutes to upload files to the network.

Bundlr wraps uploads before sending them to the Arweave Network. Bundlr was reputed to be processing about 95 percent of transactions to Arweave. The demand for the solution and the success of the project was evident to many when it announced in September that it had crossed over one billion transactions and 800,000 users, a feat it achieved in two years. Josh Benaron at the time said at the time that “I never would have imagined two and a half years ago that we would get to a billion transactions”.

Many of the projects currently shown in the ecosystem directory are successful and they provide services that are laying foundations for the Web3 space and ushering new users into the permaweb in a scalable manner. It suggests more projects in web3 use Irys but are not known currently.

“Our ecosystem is growing and we want to shine a light on the incredible work being done in it. The Irys ecosystem showcases the innovative builders that are using our technology to enrich their data with strong provenance,” Irys stated while unveiling the directory.

Lens Protocol which is a social layer and says its the future of social media is one of the biggest users of Irys’s technology. It launched Momoka to aid scaling by leveraging Arweave through Irys.

There is also Metaplex which is a platform to launch and scal NFT projects on Solana. Solana Mobile created a mobile phone that is said to be capable of doing all that can be done in Web3 space.

Blockchains like Aptos, Arbitrum, Fantom, Near, Polygon, Solana, Avalanche, Ethereum are some of the chains that use Irys’s tech in their operations.

Contents platforms such as Alex, Drip, Beem, Exchange art and orb are the content creators and collector platforms leveraging Irys to access the permaweb.

Irys believes there are more projects using its innovation and it’s on a campaign to add them to its ecosystem directory. It is calling people building with irys to join the ecosystem.

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