
Human consciousness is immortal

Human consciousness is immortal. The common ideas that aspire people for eternal life include transforming human consciousness into a digitised personality stored in a medium, genetic editing to achieve immortality, and mechanical ascension. These have been the directions that people have been striving towards in pursuit of eternal life in the past few decades. Countless science fiction movies have also depicted this scenario surrounding "eternal life".

The transformation of human consciousness into a digitised personality involves storing human thoughts, memories, and other information in a digitised format, which can facilitate the replication and transfer of human consciousness and enable the continuity of human "consciousness". In the movie "Upload," the male lead uploaded his consciousness before passing away, thus living in a virtual world.

Currently, AI has the ability to highly restore human images. In the 2020 Spring Festival Gala program "2020 Time Thief", AI restored the image of Deng Lijun, allowing the audience to seemingly travel back to Deng Lijun's era and appreciate her musical charm. However, this kind of AI can only express itself unilaterally through pre-set programming and cannot interact with humans.

Genetic editing involves using genetic editing technology to modify a person's DNA sequence, which can greatly extend a person's lifespan and even potentially achieve "immortality." However, currently, no scientists have made a breakthrough in this technology. The movie "Seobok" depicts a story in which scientists create an immortal human.

Mechanical ascension is a concept often seen in science fiction works, where a robotic body is created to facilitate the transfer of human "consciousness" into the machine, thereby achieving immortality.

Most of the technologies related to genetic modification and mechanical ascension are still in the research phase and have not yet been practically applied. The Eternity.Al project team uses AI technology to train users' personalities and achieve eternal life in the digital world. The trained digital personalities are no longer just lifeless images, but rather have a soulful digital persona.

Digital personality is an emerging technology. Users store their chat data, online works, data collected by IoT sensors, etc. permanently and use the stored data as nutrients to train AI models. By using computer technology to simulate human consciousness, a digital person similar to a real human can be trained. This technology can allow people to replicate their digital personality at some point, thus achieving continuity of their consciousness.

The development of digital personality technology cannot be separated from the progress of computer science and neuroscience. Currently, researchers are trying to digitise the structure and function of the human brain for simulation on computers. They use techniques similar to MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) to scan the human brain, obtain information about the shape and structure of the brain, and establish a digital model of the human brain based on biological knowledge.

The application prospects of digital personality are very broad. Firstly, digital personality technology can provide an important tool for psychologists, neuroscientists, and other professionals to study the human brain and consciousness. Secondly, in the future, people can store their digital personality in the cloud or other devices, and their consciousness can continue regardless of when their body dies. This technology can help people overcome the fear of death and allows them to face life with more confidence.

Digital people can also become users' personal assistants. They can help users manage their schedules, answer common questions, provide suggestions, generate speeches similar to the user's style, and recommend activities and entertainment that suit their personal preferences and interests. In short, digital people can help users in many ways, making their lives easier and more meaningful. Like J.A.R.V.I.S., the AI assistant in the movie "Iron Man," digital people are interactive and intelligent.

Digital personality technology can be used to cultivate home tutors. Digital personality technology can enable virtual characters to gradually acquire behaviours and thinking patterns similar to real humans, thus enhancing their interaction and communication with humans. Therefore, digital personality technology can be used to develop a home tutoring system that, through natural language processing and machine learning, can provide targeted education guidance and suggestions based on students' individualised needs and learning progress. In addition, digital personality technology can enable the home tutoring system to have a powerful knowledge base and intelligent recommendation function, allowing it to help students quickly grasp knowledge and improve learning outcomes. Most importantly, digital personality technology can ensure that the home tutoring system is available 24/7, ready to answer students' questions and help them overcome learning difficulties, providing children with more convenient and high-quality educational services.

Digital personality technology can also be used to cultivate more realistic virtual anchors or game characters. Generated digital people can interact and communicate with players. These virtual characters can have their own personalities, styles, and catchphrases, and can make appropriate responses according to different situations, providing players with a more rich and interesting gaming experience.

The data security of digital personality technology is ensured by blockchain technology. The storage of data is distributed through the Arweave public chain. The platform's issued tokens SBT are bound to user data, ensuring that data control remains in the hands of users. Furthermore, digital people can be passed on as assets to future generations through SBT tokens.

However, digital personality technology also faces some challenges and issues. Firstly, eternal life depends on AI technology, and training AI requires a large amount of user data. Extracting this data is a long-term process, and to train a thinking digital person, it is not enough to solely rely on user data online; users must also collect useful data through some daily IoT devices. Secondly, digital personality technology itself needs to be further improved and perfected to truly replicate and transfer human consciousness and make it accessible to everyone.

The Eternity.Al project team is a pioneer in realising human consciousness personalisation, and its members are senior technical personnel. Currently, the project is incubated jointly by PermaDAO organisation and the project team. The front-end interaction page of the product and the function of storing user data have been completed. We look forward to further improvements of the product to enable digital personality technology to truly serve everyone. The image below is a sample screenshot of the product.

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Translator: lixt @ Contributor of PermaDAO

Reviewer: Kyle @ Contributor of PermaDAO eopleeeee

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