
Fifth everPay auction Feat. BreakingPanda! Everything you need to know!

We’ll be hosting our Fifth auction! With our fourth auction having our second artist join us on our everPay platform, we decided to go for it again. We’re happy to announce @breakingpanda2!

Breaking Panda was brought to us by OnBoard or ONBD for short.

Hello, my name is Breaking Panda. I was brought into this world by my parents Qiaomuzi & Quiana, in the summer of 2021. During that year, the physical and digital worlds began to blend, creating a new wave~ Give me life in this new world called the Super-metaverse.

My purpose in this world is to bring the beauty of congeniality, style, and soul to the physical world and everyone.

“like me ???? “ living in the metaverse. In my universe, oops! In this world, I was born with powers, magical powers, one that can pull you away from one world to the next. Come and join me; I will be your guide! This world is created by many and owned by all. Once you are here, you’ll be part of my community, creating magic with my friends on social AR games, displaying fashionable art, and sharing generative music. Let’s meet up on Breaking Panda’s marvelous metaverse. Together this adventure is going to be a breakthrough journey!

Picture of the artists

Event Time

Starting on 20–04–2022 at 3 PM GMT+1 Ending on 21–04–2022 at 3 PM GMT+1

Changes that have been made for this auction!

1. We’ve added a quick-back button on the NFT auction detail page making it easier to choose another NFT to bid on.
2. We’ve added the number of NFTs that users are currently winning to the page
3. We’ve optimized the auction process so you can bid at legitimate prices more quickly.
4. We’ve completely redone the code in the system by using Golang, this will make the system more stable.

We’re also obviously listening to you guys and your suggestions. If whilst partaking in the auction and you see something that can be added or changed, do let us know!

NFT utility reminder and last auction’s statistics.

Just a reminder that you need to keep in mind that there will be more future auctions coming. Each NFT, that is obtained by the winners of the auctions, will have use cases. For now, the NFTs will be used as entry tickets. Entries to what? You’ll find out later, surprises are fun! Past NFTs, right now, make it so you get proceeds from future auctions.

Before we look over the rules here are some statistics from our last successful auction in order for you to have an insight into what can happen!

a total of 723 AR was profited by participating in the auction

Just for actively bidding and getting outbid the top 3 gainers made:

#1 user made: 42 AR ($1,260) for actively participating

#2 user made: 41.9 AR ($1,257) for actively participating

#3 user made: 41.4 AR ($1,242) for actively participating

(Rewards that were earned in the previous auction)

Simple explanation of the rules.

Below you’ll have rules to read over before participating in the auction, we have a simplified version as well as a more degen version further down.

1. With this auction, the minimum bid will be 5% greater than the current winning bid in order for your bid to be successful. The starting minimum amount will be 0.01AR. The proceeds from the auction will be distributed back to the community, artists, and previous NFT winners.

2. NFT holders from past activities (Liquidity mining, Auctions) will receive 20% of all proceeds.

3. Users who actively partake in the auction and get outbid will receive 50% of the proceeds (from when the user gets outbid).

4. The artist will receive 30% of all proceeds.

5. That is how proceeds will be distributed for this auction.

6. The only way to bid will be by using AR. The only place to bid will be on everpay.io. If you don’t have AR on everPay, you can do one of two things:


  • Buy: Purchase AR by using either USDC or USDT with our feeless cross-chain dex:
    or purchase wAR on Uniswap then deposit to everPay.


How NFTs are distributed

Our NFTs are issued on Ethereum as well as Arweave and will be distributed sequentially to the Ether addresses filled in by the bidders after the auction ends.

Happy Bidding!

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