
Eleventh auction starring Get ready!

In a few days, we’ll be hosting our Eleventh auction. As the title states, it’ll be with none other than Do keep in mind that every NFT that’s auctioned off will be used as entry tickets to be able to liquidity mine on Permaswap.Network. Make sure to grab an NFT!

Arks, what are they?

Arks are a collection of the first 43 ships to reach Yowunas Maias after hundreds of generations of searching for a place to settle and build a life. Hosted on Arweave and minted on Ethereum, Arks are early adopter passes for — a stack of social and identity protocols for web3 dapps. Ark holders are whitelisted for future collections, tokens, and more.

Beyond utility in the protocol, Arks are a prelude to the story told so far through lore. Each ark’s metadata contains a rich backstory from writer and art director Lee Tyrrell, with traits based on events in the narratives.

The visual artist behind Arks is jrdsctt, a prolific graphic designer and photographer known for glitchy fine art 1/1s and innovating on how art can be manipulated with code.

Event Time

We start on 08–09–2022 at 3 PM GMT+1. Whitelisted users will be able to bid 15-minutes before everyone else! The auction ends when the last bid is 12 hours old.

Whitelist: Here!

Explanation of the rules:

Below you’ll have rules to read over before participating in the auction, we have a simplified version and a more degen version further down.

  1. With this auction, the minimum bid will be 5% greater than the current winning bid for your bid to be successful. The starting minimum amount will be 0.1 AR. The proceeds from the auction will be distributed back to the community, artists, and previous NFT winners.
  2. NFT holders from past activities (Liquidity mining, Auctions) will receive 10% of all proceeds.
  3. Users who actively partake in the auction and get outbid will receive 40% of the proceeds (from when the user gets outbid).
  4. The Artist will receive 50% of all proceeds from the auction.
  5. The only way to bid will be by using AR. The only place to bid will be on If you don’t have AR on everPay, you can do one of two things:

How to Deposit AR: If you have AR, you can deposit AR or wAR;

Buy AR in everPay: Purchase AR by using either USDC or USDT with our feeless cross-chain dex (You can deposit USDC/USDT on everPay to swap to AR)

How to distribute NFTs

In this auction, we’ll be minting the NFTs on Ethereum. They will be distributed once the auction is completely over.

NFT utility reminder and last auction’s statistics

Just a reminder that each NFT that is obtained by the winners of the auctions will have use cases.

With the announcement of Permaswap also came the announcement of what these NFTs would be used for. NFTs earned from auctions will be used as entry tickets to liquidity mine on Permaswap. 50% of the total supply of tokens will be used as incentive mining.

Here are some statistics from our last successful auction to give you an insight into what can happen!

a total of 467.89 AR was profited by participating in the auction

Just for actively bidding and getting outbid the top 3 gainers made:

  • #1 user made: 15.58 AR for actively participating
  • #2 user made: 10.59 AR for actively participating
  • #3 user made: 9.48 AR for actively participating

Happy Bidding!

????Our links: everFinance | everPay |PermaswapTwitter | Github | Discord

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