By Pierre
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Arweave Ecosystem Weekly Report #48: The ‘Second Warp’ Edition

Sometimes the blockweave could be seen as scary and opaque. Now a new version of ViewBlock is in testing and is promising to greatly improve the amount of data one could consider about Arweave chain. A lot of questions will be answered for all those who wanted to know stuff like the daily block rewards or other statistics that, until recently, were somehow hard to get. In shorter terms: more statistics available to the general public, more transparency for the entire network.

Also, this week, as quiet as it may have seemed, marked some big announcements, like everPay breaking the 100k transactions threshold or KYVE’s own WARP.

Would you like to know more?

I. Arweave Network

This section is usually possible thanks to ViewBlock, Arweave’s chain explorer. They have launched their second iteration, bringing more data and in depth graphs than before. ViewBlock’s version two is still in beta testing so everybody can just send their suggestions or bug reports and help to improve Arweave’s chain explorer. For more details you can check their tweet.

If you just want to have a taste of this new version, just take a look on the stats they included below. Now you can track not only the transaction count, the weave size and data usage, but a whole new array of data on a daily basis.

II. Arweave Ecosystem

EthSign goes Arweave

EthSign, a Web3 solution for digital signatures and document management, did the right step: they integrated Arweave via everFianace’s Arseeding tool for their current decentralised storage needs. If you want to know more specifics about this integration, you can read our article right here. What is worth to be noted is that with this integration, Arweave is a step closer to a new kind of user that, until now, stayed somehow away from the entire Web3 ecosystem. We are talking about small and medium businesses that are looking for cost-effective and efficient web-based infrastructure. Maybe this is the moment for the entire crypto space to realise that the growth model based on hype should be changed with ones that are more focused on real use-cases.

Ark Protocol, the glue that links all other chains with Arweave

Ark Protocol is one of the many projects Decent Land has been working on for quite some time. Now they introduced a simple yet powerful use case: the capability to link ANS and ENS identities. Now you can stop wondering how to squeeze in your Twitter handle two different names that reflect two separate chains. You can just put one name, and a user can reach both your NFT galleries, those on Arweave, and those on Ethereum. Which name you will choose to showcase depends only on your preferences. Still, keep in mind that ANS names are not subscription based, they are simply forever.

4EVERLAND and ATTA announced a partnership

You probably already know 4EVERLAND – it is one of the bridges between IPFS, AWS3, and Arweave that enables the flow of data between those. So, what about ATTA?

ATTA aims to build a next-generation entertainment community for content consumption, discussion and creation that is empowered by ATTA DAO. We strive to create a new generation of the content ecosystem where occupational and professional content creators can realize their ideas, new directors and new content can receive more exposure, and copyrights can be better protected.

Yeap, they are in the content creation business. However, as opposed to a simple NFT marketplace, they are trying to offer a more rounded experience. Seen from this light, an integration with 4EVERLAND seems natural, given the fact that they offer the full spectrum of storage, culminating with the permanent one delivered by Arweave.

everPay reached 100k transactions

Usually, we are stating that the real action on Arweave for DeFi products is still to come, given the fact that fully grown DEXes like Verto or Permaswap are not finished yet. However, everFinance, through everPay, wanted to contradict us. everPay, being only a working prototype of Permaswap, with limited features, reached 1ook transactions. The best part is that the entire cost for all those transactions was only slightly above 2 $AR. What do you think? Should we try to make a comparison with the cost of 100k TXs on Ethereum?


Now it’s official – Arweave experiences warp speeds twofold. Once from Warp Contracts created by RedStone and second time through KYVE’s WARP (Well-Architected Retrieval Product). KYVE’s WARP represents a solution for data indexing and access that offers in a seamless way the three features provided by KYVE: fetching, validating, and retrieving data.

III. Things you won’t encounter on Arweave

Disregarding the regime that rules your country, a fact is certain: every time there will be a part of the society/establishment that will have different views than the other side and will try to impose those views. Web2 only has certain thresholds within that can defend its users from factions that are trying to shape the public discourse. Now the story is not about banning things, it is about bringing certain things into the eye of the public. State-imposed content is as bad as banned one. On Arweave, all the way through Permaweb, the algorithm is the law. Once written on Arweave, the code of an application is immutable so nobody, not even a government, could force a centralised entity to change the rules for their bidding.


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Passionate about Arweave, Archeology, and NFTs. Playing with words, dirt, and images.

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