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Akord - New Features and Building on Powerful Primitives

Akord has been silently working behind the scenes, improving its application while delivering one of the best user interfaces in the Web3 space. The clean and intuitive design offers a seamless experience for users. In its latest update, Akord has released several new features that make it even easier for users to onboard to Akord (and Web3 decentralised storage) and make Akord more secure for its growing user base.

Latest Update and New Features

The recent update includes a variety of features that cater to different user needs. Akord now enables users to import files directly from Dropbox and Google Drive, simplifying the process of uploading and managing data. In addition, the introduction of two-factor authentication (2FA) ensures enhanced security, providing an extra layer of protection for users' accounts.

Developers also have reasons to celebrate as the new AkordJS 4.1.1 is out, and they can now use API keys to authenticate against the Akord API. These improvements show Akord's commitment to making its platform more user-friendly and adaptable to different needs.

Founder Showcases Features on Twitter

Akord co-founder Pascal Barry has taken to Twitter to demonstrate the new features, showcasing how to import files from Dropbox and Google Drive and how to enable and disable 2FA. In response to a user's inquiry about an Akord mobile app, Barry stated that there are no current plans for a mobile app. Instead, the team is focusing on the development of the Akord Explorer, a permaweb app that will provide perpetual access to private data and discoverability for public data. Additionally, token-gated access to vaults is in the works.

Akord's Podcast Discussion with Nader Dabit

Akord recently invited Nader Dabit, Director of Developer Relations at Aave and Lens Protocol and founder of Developer DAO, on their podcast to discuss the power of building on powerful primitives. Dabit, who previously worked at Amazon Web Services, shared his experiences and insights gained from his time at the tech giant. The conversation delved into how Arweave unlocks the next evolution of storage primitives by offering data permanence, a feature that enables more secure and reliable storage for decentralised applications like Akord.

Listen to the full podcast on Akord here.

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Author and blockchain enthusiast.

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